Interview mit Luis aus der Kenia AG
Frage 1: Wenn du an den Besuch der kenianischen Gruppe im Herbst 2023 denkst, was kommt dir als erstes in den Sinn? …
This subpage is planned for digital exchange between the German-Club at Gituru Secondary School and the Kenya-Club at PAB School.
Here students have the oportunity to share reports about different topics in their daily life. How does a big city in Germany look like? How does it differ to Nairobi or Naivasha? How is a church looking like in Kenya/Germany? Who can show his/her way to school with photos or videos? What do you typically eat? How does environmental protection look like …
Everybody can ask questions and than each partnerschool tries to answer in a creative way. Let’s learn from – with – for each other and change the world together.
Frage 1: Wenn du an den Besuch der kenianischen Gruppe im Herbst 2023 denkst, was kommt dir als erstes in den Sinn? …
For many years it has been a popular tradition that a tree planting campaign takes place when the pupils of the Peter …
Here you can see some videos from the form two class at Gituru Secondary School. They are aged 14 to 17 years.They …
The Kenya Club at PAB tries to tell you more about our country. In some short presentations they are talking about different …
Our school does not only get managed by our principal and heads of departments, but also by the students. We have something …
In Germany many teenagers have a hobby that he or she does after school, therefore we have a lot to offer in …
The days we spent together during our online encounter were very important to our partnership, to our students and to all of …
From January 25th to January 27th the Gituru Secondary School (Kenya) and PAB-Gesamtschule (Germany) had their Online-exChange-Days.We talked about the importance of …
On our second day of the Online exChange 2022 the Kenya Club of PAB School planted trees while our partnerschool in Gituru …
From January 25th to January 27th the Gituru Secondary School (Kenya) and PAB-Gesamtschule (Germany) had their Online-exChange-Days.We talked about the importance of …